
SaTown Hip Hop is an online resource for everything Hip Hop in San Antonio, TX. We are a small team of creatives, industry professionals, and content creators, that have love for the San Antonio hip hop scene. Priding ourselves in being one of the few unbiased platforms to represent hip hop music from the Southwest Texas region, we aim to provide not only a platform for independent music artists to be discovered, but also to provide information to other resources in the city as well.

SaTown Hip Hop is a project owned by HomeBase Promotions, that was initially brainstormed in 2016 to provide representation on the internet for the San Antonio hip hop scene and its tremendous talent.  The domain “satownhiphop.com” was registered at the time, however it did not serve much of a purpose and only redirected to a page on our sister website, SaTownParty.com, which featured various Hip Hop/R&B events. The domain was eventually released.

With the rise of social media and influencers, especially during the pandemic in 2020, we noticed that there was still not a solid “go to” resource for San Antonio hip hop content that was SEO (search engine optimazation) friendly for visitors on the Worldwide Web (www), so we decided to embark on a full journey to represent the city the best that we could.

Phase I began in 2020, with a Spotify playlist called “SaTown Hip Hop”. This is a regularly updated collaborative playlist designed to list all hip hop artists that are from or reside in the city and its surrounding areas. We regularly find out about new talent, so we try to do our due diligence to make sure that their top mainstream quality song gets added to the playlist so that the world can be aware of their talent.

We welcome you to Phase II.